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Trash Falling from a SPSA Truck

To report trash flying off a SPSA truck you can contact us at 757-420-4700 Ext. 381.

Odor Complaint

If you are experiencing an odor issue please call the odor control hotline at 757-417-5251. You can also get additional information by viewing our Odor Control and Procedures.

Odor Control & Procedures

Many questions from residents deal with waste labeled as Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) or E-Waste. Please refer to our HHW & E-Waste page for eligible items and facilities for disposal.


Why didn't my trash/recycling get picked up?

Each SPSA member community is responsible for curbside collection of trash and recycling within their jurisdiction. SPSA does not handle the curbside collection of trash or recycling. If you are trying to report that your trash or recycling was not collected, you will need to contact the city or county in which you reside.

How do I set up trash collection services or replace a broken/missing trash can?

Each SPSA member community is responsible for the collection of trash and recycling within their jurisdiction. If you are trying to setup new trash collection services or replace a container, please contact the city or county in which you reside.

Do you accept household paint? I have some partial/full cans in my garage. 

Yes, residentially sourced paint may be brought to any Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) location during open hours (up to 5 gallons per visit). Please refer to the HHW & E-Waste link above for more info.

How about electronics, such as TVs, printers, and more?

Yes, residents looking to dispose of electronics from their homes will find SPSA has much to offer. Up to 5 E-Waste items may be brought to an eligible SPSA facility per trip. Please refer to the HHW & E-Waste link above for more info.

Can I use a U-Haul or other box truck to bring my trash?

Using these commercial vehicles will require payment according to our current tipping fee. Residents hoping to use one of their 12 free trips with these vehicles is not allowed.

Do you accept tires?

Automobile tires (no more than 4 per day for residents) should be delivered to the SPSA Regional Landfill Monday – Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Saturdays from 8:00am to Noon.

Do you have recycling or composting services?

SPSA does not currently have these services.